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Change ThinkPad Bluetooth Device Name on Windows 7
How do I change the Bluetooth device name on my ThinkPad Windows 7 computer? Currently, it has the same name as my computer name.
If you want to change the Bluetooth device name on your
ThinkPad Windows 7 computer, you can use these steps:
1. Go to "Control Panel > Hardware and Sound" on your Windows 7 system.
2. Click on "Device Manager" and double-click on "Bluetooth Radio". You will see the default Bluetooth driver, "Microsoft Bluetooth Enumerator", and the ThinkPad Bluetooth driver, "ThinkPad Bluetooth 3.0", showing up.
3. Double-click on "ThinkPad Bluetooth 3.0". You will see the "ThinkPad Bluetooth 3.0 Properties" window showing up.
4. Click on the "Advanced" tab. Modify the name to: NEW_LAPTOP. You will see the default settings as listed below:
Radio Information Name: NEW_LAPTOP Address: aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa Manufacturer Id: 15 HCI version 5.748. LMP version: 5.16899
5. Click "OK" to save the change.
See the picture below:
⇒ Bluetooth Connection - iPhone and Windows 7
⇐ ThinkPad Bluetooth Driver Detailed Information for Windows 7
2012-02-21, 7359🔥, 0💬
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