Virus Updates no longer Automatic


In Windows 7 it was possible to have the Windows Updates be set to "Download but manually install", with Security Essentials still auto updating virus signatures.

In Windows 8 this does not appear possible...

As I cannot have Windows auto-update and reboot on me due to having tests running on PCs, I have Windows set to download updates only. However due to this selection, Windows Defender (SE replacement) no longer auto updates. To me this is a big step backwards in security.

Windows 8 needs an option where virus signature updates can be automatic but Windows remains manual. They are after all different things.

If anyone knows how to do this, would appreciate a reply. If not, this is feedback to Microsoft.

✍: Guest


You will find many previous discussions about this in the Defender forums; such as...

2013-07-08, 2421🔥, 0💬