Where is the simple old microsoft Solitaire game on Windows 8 64 bit os?


Where is the simple old microsoft Solitaire game on Windows 8 64 bit os? I go to games and all I get is Xbox junk?

✍: Guest

Microsoft removed these games by design from Windows 8 and they are not available period. You can go to the store app and there are plenty of solitare games available-try Microsoft Solitaire Collection- I am sure you will find something to your liking, but if not your other choice would be to search the web for a third party App. Hope this helps and if you need further assistance post and we will be glad to help you. The above opinion is mine and mine alone and doesn't necessarily reflect that of Microsoft, it's employees, or any other member of this forum

2013-08-23, 3116🔥, 0💬