How to format a DVD so that I can burn files to it?


I'm trying to burn a DVD. I've already looked up the directions here: and here:

However, Windows won't do anything because it says that the disc needs to be formatted. You would think that the ability to burn a DVD would also come with the ability to FORMAT it!

How on Earth can I format my blank DVD's if Windows 8 hasn't got this ability?

✍: Guest


CDs and DVDs are formatted as they are burned... There isn't a separate Format process.

If you are using re-writeable disks that have been used, you will be asked to Erase, or possibly Format. You would normally just hit OK...

Are you sure you are clicking on the correct drive?

One other thing... it is possible that you have another burning program installed that has taken exclusive use of your burner...

You might also right click on your drive in computer and select Properties...Recording tab, and make sure it is set as the default for windows....

2013-09-04, 3525🔥, 0💬