Why does my ASUS laptop keep shutting down when powercord is unplugged?


My ASUS R505C Series (Intel Core i5 - 3337U, 1.8GHz, Memory 8GB and HDD 750GB) would only start if the powercord was plugged into it. When the power cord is removed it completely shuts off. This only started happening recently (a little over a day ago). My computer has a removable battery. I tried removing it, cleaning it and leaving it out for a while but no good news. The problem is persisting. I've had this computer for about a year and half now. Any help would be greatly appreciated. If you require more information I will try my best to assist. P.S: I am running Windows 8.1

✍: Guest

What is likely is that your battery is either old past the life span, or damaged and can no longer supply enough voltage to power the PC. You should contact your hardware manufacturer to request service or replacement.

2014-12-22, 2108🔥, 0💬