How to change monitor/projector identifier


This problem has existed for years but having just installed my projector on a Windows 8 PC for the first time I am dismayed to see that this problem still exists.

When just a monitor is connected to my PC, using Windows key P shows the monitor as "computer" correctly. As soon as I connect and power up my amplifier/projector though, this changes and the monitor becomes "projector" and the projector becomes "computer".

This is incredibly irritating and has existed for many years.

If I go into screen settings, I can set the monitor as primary and I can swap the display positions left, right etc. with no problems. BUT, the monitor always displays as identity 2! There appears to be no way to force the monitor to be device number one, so when the PC boots, Windows in it's stupidity asks for the login data on the projector which is not turned on! The only way to make it appear on the monitor is to turn off the amplifier before rebooting and then turn it on again after.

I can see that a lot of people are having this issue but the only Microsoft response I can see is someone telling someone to post a new thread about it.

✍: Guest


Please follow the steps to divide the settings between monitor and projector:

a. Press Windows Key + P

b. You can also go to the Control Panel

c. Under Appearance and Personalization, click Adjust Screen Resolution

d. Click Project to a Second Screen

e. Among the options displayed, choose Extend. Check if the issue persists.

2015-06-01, 1833🔥, 0💬