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"lsass.exe" Services on Windows XP
Where are services hosted by "lsass.exe" process on Windows XP?
There are several services launched by the "lsass.exe" program, which loads the DLL file for the given service specified in the registry.
All services that are launched by the "lsass.exe" program will be running under a single shared process of lsass.exe.
The advantage of using a shared process is to save process resources. But services of a shared process have execution environment dependency. If one service is running into problem, all other services of the same shared process will be impacted.
Here is a list of services hosted by the shared process of "lsass.exe" and related tutorials:
"Credential Manager - vaultsvc.dll" Service on Windows XP
"Encrypting File System (EFS) - efssvc.dll" Service on Windows XP
"Netlogon - netlogon.dll" Service on Windows XP
"Protected Storage - psbase.dll" Service on Windows XP
"Security Accounts Manager - samsrv.dll" Service on Windows XP
2016-07-10, 3793🔥, 0💬
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