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"lsass.exe" Process on Windows 7
What is the "lsass.exe" process on windows 7? Is the "lsass.exe" process a virus? Can I terminate the "lsass.exe" process?
"lsass.exe" process represents "Local Security Authority Process" program. "lsass.exe" is a service hosting process on Windows 7 to host multiple security related services.
"lsass.exe" process is normally running under the parent process "wininit" as shown in the process tree below:
Boot wininit lsass
On the Processes tab of "Task Manager", "lsass.exe" process may be listed as:
Image Name Memory Description -------------------- ---------- ----------- lsass.exe 22,212 K Local Security Authority Process
Additional information about "lsass.exe" process:
Command line: C:\windows\system32\lsass.exe Programe file information: Name: lsass.exe Location: C:\windows\system32\lsass.exe Description: Local Security Authority Process Version: 6.1.7601.23571 (win7sp1_ldr.161010-0600) Size: 30720 bytes Last modified: 10/10/2016 10:55:00 AM Company Name: Microsoft Corporation Some data files used: C:\Windows\System32 C:\Windows\System32\en-US\lsasrv.dll.mui C:\Windows\debug\PASSWD.LOG C:\Windows\System32\en-US\vaultsvc.dll.mui C:\Windows\debug\netlogon.log C:\Windows\System32\en-US\netlogon.dll.mui C:\Users\fyicenter\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Credentials C:\Users\fyicenter\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Credentials C:\Windows\System32\en-US\crypt32.dll.mui C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\My Some registry keys used: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Nls\Sorting\Versions HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\SESSION MANAGER HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Lsa HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\Audit HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Lsa\Kerberos\Parameters HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Lsa\Kerberos\Parameters HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Lsa\Kerberos\HostToRealm HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Lsa\Kerberos\Domains Some DLL libraries used: C:\windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll C:\windows\system32\kernel32.dll C:\windows\system32\KERNELBASE.dll C:\windows\system32\msvcrt.dll C:\windows\system32\RPCRT4.dll C:\windows\system32\SspiSrv.dll C:\windows\system32\lsasrv.dll C:\windows\SYSTEM32\sechost.dll C:\windows\system32\SspiCli.dll C:\windows\system32\ADVAPI32.dll
"lsass.exe" process is not a virus. You should not terminate "lsass.exe" process.
⇒ "taskhost.exe" Process on Windows 7
⇐ "services.exe" Process on Windows 7
2016-07-28, 5534🔥, 0💬
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