Comparison Operations in Windows PowerShell Scripts


How to use comparison operations in Windows PowerShell scripts? Can I write "$a > 0"?



No, you can not use "$a>0" as a comparison operation in Windows PowerShell scripts. You must use PowerShell comparisonoperators given below:

 -eq             Equal
 -ne             Not equal
 -ge             Greater than or equal
 -gt             Greater than
 -lt             Less than
 -le             Less than or equal

Here are some examples of how to use PowerShell comparisonoperators:

$a = 2
$b = 3
"Is a < b? "+($a -lt $b)
"Is a <= b? "+($a -le $b)
"Is a > b? "+($a -gt $b)
"Is a >= b? "+($a -le $b)
"Is a == b? "+($a -eq $b)
"Is a != b? "+($a -ne $b)


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2016-10-30, 1783🔥, 0💬