DSAgnt.exe - Process - Dell Support Agent


What is DSAgnt.exe process - Dell Support Agent?

✍: FYIcenter.com


Process DSAgnt.exe is the Dell Support Agent, that offers additional support and update features for your Dell computer or laptop.

DSAgnt.exe process and program file info:

CPU usage: 00 %
Memory usage: 5,368 K
Launching method: System Startup - DSAgnt
Directory: C:\Program Files\Dell Support
File name: DSAgnt.exe
Description: Dell Support
Size: 332,800 bytes
Date: Sunday, May 15, 2005, 2:04:12 AM
Company name: Gteko  
System essential: No
Virus/Spyware/Adware: No

2007-02-04, 9945🔥, 0💬