Windows XP SP2 Process Checklist


How do I know which processes to keep or remove on my Windows XP SP2 systems?



When you look at the process list on the Task Manager window, you see some strange process names. But you are not sure if you can remove them. What you need to do is to look at our process checklist below. is trying to provide you a quick summary of many commonly known processes with short descriptions and suggestions to keep or remove them.

List of known processes on Windows XP SP2 systems:
Process NameSuggestionCompanyUsage
csrss.exeKeepMicrosoftClient Server Runtime Server Subsystem
DLG.exeMaybeBVRPDigital Line Detection
DVDLauncher.exeRemoveCyberLinkPowerCinema Resident Program
exec.exeMaybeUnited OnlineNetZero Dialup ZCast
explorer.exeKeepMicrosoftWindows Explorer
hkcmd.exeKeepIntelHotkey driver
issch.exeRemoveInstallShieldInstallShield Update Service Scheduler
lsass.exeKeepMicrosoftLSA Shell (Export Version)
NicConfigSvc.exeKeepIntelInternal Network Card Power Management Service
PRONoMgr.exeKeepIntelPRONotifyMgr Module
realplay.exeRemoveRealNetworksRealPlayer Tray Bar Application
services.exeKeepMicrosoftServices and Controller app
smss.exeKeepMicrosoftWindows NT Session Manager
ssdiag.exeRemoveSonicShared Driver Component
svchost.exeKeepMicrosoftGeneric Host Process for Win32 Services
SynTPEnh.exeKeepSynapticsTouchPad Enhancements
SynTPLpr.exeKeepSynapticsTouchPad Driver Helper Application
taskmgr.exeRemoveMicrosoftWindows TaskManager
tfswctrl.exeRemoveSonicDrive Letter Access Component
wdfmgr.exeKeepMicrosoftWindows Driver Foundation Manager
winlogon.exeKeepMicrosoftWindows NT Logon Application
wmiprvse.exeKeepMicrosoftWindows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
x1exec.exeMaybeNetZeroNetZero HiSpeed Dialup

If you find some interesting processes, please share with us.

2007-02-17, 10042🔥, 0💬