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"Visual C++ Library CRT X86 Store Package" Installed Program on Windows 7
What is the installed program "Visual C++ Library CRT X86 Store Package" on my Windows 7 computer? Why it is not visible in Control Panel?
"Visual C++ Library CRT X86 Store Package" is an installed program on Windows 7 system managed by Windows Installer.
You will not see "Visual C++ Library CRT X86 Store Package" listed on "uninstall or change a program" in Control Panel, because it is flagged as a hidden system component in the registry (SystemComponent=1).
Information related to "Visual C++ Library CRT X86 Store Package" installed program:
Name: Visual C++ Library CRT X86 Store Package Publisher: Microsoft Corporation Size: 36676 KB Version: 14.0.24218 System Component: Yes Identifying Number: {1D3FA1DF-3B2F-38DE-BE2F-2B904CD3694E} Install Location: Install Source: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Packages\Microsoft.VisualC.140.CRT.x86.Store.Msi,version=14.0.24218,chip=neutral\ Install Date: 20170730 Local Package: C:\windows\Installer\67a66ef.msi Package Name: VC_CRT.X86.Store.msi Uninstall Command: MsiExec.exe /I{1D3FA1DF-3B2F-38DE-BE2F-2B904CD3694E} Windows Installer: Yes
It is recommended to keep "Visual C++ Library CRT X86 Store Package" as an installed program.
⇒ "Visual C++ Library MFC Headers Package" Installed Program on Windows 7
⇐ "Visual C++ Library CRT X86 Redist Package" Installed Program on Windows 7
⇑ Hidden Installed Programs using Windows Installer on Windows 7
2018-10-26, 2221🔥, 0💬
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