Listing Data Streams in Movie VOB Files


Listing Data Streams in Movie VOB Files

✍: Guest


Other than ripping off media VOB files from a DVD, vStrip can also be used to manipulate VOB files stored on hard disk. The most commonly used function is to list all audio and video streams that are available in a VOB file.

1. Download a large sample VOB file from the Internet and saved it to C:\temp\dolby-bestsound.vob.
2. Test the VOB file with MPlayer. It plays nicely.
3. Check the size of the VOB file. It has 66,129,920 bytes.
4. Run vStrip command without any command options to list all audio and video stream in this VOB file:

C:\>cd \temp
C:\temp>\local\vStrip\vStrip dolby-bestsound.vob
vStrip - version 0.8f_css, by [maven] (, CSS-code
   by R0TfL.

Scanning for stream id's, press control-c to quit...
Saving 0xBF = Private 2 [@LBA 0]
Saving 0xE0 = Video 0 [PTS 0:00:00.220 @LBA 1]
  Width = 704
  Height = 576
  Aspect-ratio = [2] 4:3 display
  Frame-rate = [3] 25 fps
Saving 0xBD = Private 1, sub 0x80 [PTS 0:00:00.220 @LBA 62]
Saving 0xBE = Padding [@LBA 198]

MPEG Packs = 32290
System headers = 110
Private 1 packets = 1457, total bytes = 2938178
  Sub 0x80 packets = 1457, total bytes = 2938178
Padding packets = 6353, total bytes = 12726315
Private 2 packets = 220, total bytes = 219780
Video 0 packets = 24481, total bytes = 49188154

So how many streams are in this VOB file:
1 video stream with ID=0xE0: 25 fps (frames per second) with 704x576 pixels per frame.
3 audio streams with IDs=0xBF, 0xBD, 0xBE.

2008-01-15, 6810🔥, 0💬