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Services Running on Vista Enterprise Edition
What are basic services running on a Vista Enterprise Edition? The table below gives you a list of basic services running on a Windows Vista Enterprise Edition, Service Pack 1, system. If you are running the same edition, you can compare services running your system against this list. This compariso...
2017-03-04, 9084🔥, 0💬

Default Services on Windows Server 2016
What are default system services on Windows Server 2016? On a new Windows Server 2016 system, you should have the following default services. Run the "Get-Service" PowerShell command to dump a list of all services: PS C:\fyicenter> get-service Status Name DisplayName ------ ---- ----------- S...
2018-10-19, 9013🔥, 0💬

Default Services on Windows 10 Enterprise
What are default system services on Windows 10 Enterprise? On a new Windows 10 Enterprise system, you should have the following default services. Run the "Get-Service" PowerShell command to dump a list of all services: PS C:\Users\fyicenter> get-service Status Name DisplayName ------ ---- ---...
2019-05-25, 8436🔥, 0💬

"Extensible Authentication Protocol - eapsvc.dll" Service on Windows XP
What is "Extensible Authentication Protocol" in my Windows XP service list? And how is "Extensible Authentication Protocol" service related to eapsvc.dll? "Extensible Authentication Protocol" is a Windows XP service that "The Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) service provides network authenti...
2012-04-11, 7185🔥, 0💬

"svchost.exe" Process on Windows 7
What is the "svchost.exe" process on windows 7? Is the "svchost.exe" process a virus? Can I terminate the "svchost.exe" process? Why there are multiple "svchost.exe" processes? "svchost.exe" process represents "Host Process for Windows Services" program. "svchost.exe" is used to launch and host mult...
2016-07-27, 5015🔥, 0💬

Default Services on Windows 10 Pro
What are default system services on Windows 10 Pro? On a new Windows 10 Pro system, you should have the following default services. Run the "Get-Service" PowerShell command to dump a list of all services: PS C:\Users\fyicenter> get-service Status Name DisplayName ------ ---- ----------- Stopp...
2019-07-09, 4608🔥, 0💬

Dump Process List with Services to File on Windows 7
How to dump the list of all processes with their services that are running on my Windows 7 system? I want save names of all running processes and services into a file. You can dump all processes with their services that are running on your Windows 7 using the "tastlist.exe" command as shown in this ...
2016-08-06, 3226🔥, 0💬

Dumping All Running Services on Windows 7
How to dump all services that are running on my Windows 7 system? I want to save names of all running services into a file. You can dump all services that are running on your Windows 7 system using the "sc query type= service" command as shown below: C:\Users\fyicenter>sc query type= service ...
2016-07-09, 2177🔥, 0💬

"Extensible Authentication Protocol - eapsvc.dll" Service on Windows Server 2008
What is "Extensible Authentication Protocol" in my Windows Server 2008 service list? And how is "Extensible Authentication Protocol" service related to eapsvc.dll? "Extensible Authentication Protocol" is a Windows Server 2008 service that "The Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) service provide...
2022-05-01, 2022🔥, 0💬

Dumping All Running Services on Windows 8
How to dump all services that are running on my Windows 8 system? I want to save names of all running services into a file. You can dump all services that are running on your Windows 8 system using the "sc query type= service" command as shown below: C:\Users\fyicenter>sc query type= service ...
2016-12-18, 1952🔥, 0💬

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