Other Resources:
Set Up Bluetooth Device Discoverable on Windows XP
How make the Bluetooth device discoverable on your Windows XP system, so a remote Bluetooth device can search you?
If you want to the Bluetooth device on your Windows XP system to be discovered by another near by remote Bluetooth device, you can use the "Accessibility" tab on the "Bluetooth Configuration" tool:
1. Turn on the Bluetooth radio as shown in the previous tutorial.
2. Click "Start" > "Control Panel".
3. Double click "Bluetooth Configuration".
4. Click the "Accessibility" tab,
5. Check "Let other Bluetooth devices discover this computer" checked as shown below:
6. Review other settings:
Checked - Let other Bluetooth devices discover this computer Bluetooth Headsets: Unchecked - Control Skype (TM) calls using a hands-free device In addition to a visual notification, you may select an audio notification when a security code is requested
7. Click "OK" to save the change.
⇒ Change Bluetooth Device Name on Windows XP
⇐ Network Services Supported by Bluetooth Device
2012-01-09, 7839🔥, 0💬
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