Wordpad doesn't work


Windowa 8. When I save a wordpad, it reopens as notepad. And it contains coding characters like {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\nouicompat\deflang1033{\fo There are other problems too. Too hard to find wordpad. A problem single-spacing. It wants to revert to 1.5. Line break is not the same as paragraph. MS error. If you think you know the answers, try it out first before answering.

✍: Guest

Are you using "Save As" and selecting save as a "Rich Text Document" ? That is the main benefit of WordPad as Compared to NotePad... WordPad shortcut is located in Control Panel...Administrative Tools...Accessories.... From there you can copy it to your Desktop.

2013-09-17, 2811🔥, 0💬