photo Importer is set to differnet language


Spent an hour with Lenovo help desk and they said Windows 8 is not compatible with memory cards. This can't be correct. Does anyone know how to make Photo Importer display in English? Not using a cord or camera or anything. Plug the card directly into my tower.

✍: Guest


In order to help you better please provide us the following information:
1) Was it pre-installed on your computer while purchasing it or did you install it?

Photo viewer is software used to import photos from external devices, there are many types of photo importer software’s, and they come in different language packs, so I would request you to provide the complete name of the software.

You can follow these steps to resolve the issue:
Method 1: Uninstall and reinstall the software.
Steps to uninstall:
a) Press” Windows + r” key to open run window
b) In the run window type control to open control panel
c) In programs select uninstall a programs option under programs
d) Select photo importer, right click on it and then select uninstall

To install the software
Use the disc or source you used to install it previously, but make sure that you select English as language at the time of installation of the software.

You can also refer this link
a) how do I get pictures from my camera to my computer? (This link refers to windows vista, but you can refer it)

2014-07-11, 2974🔥, 0💬