I can't refresh my pc


I've been trying to refresh my computer but it keeps still telling me that i need to insert media, but i only have a soft copy and not a hard copy, what do i do?

✍: Guest


Are you facing any issue with Windows 8 operating system to perform a system refresh?
While performing Refresh: The apps that came with your PC or you installed from Windows Store will be reinstalled, but any apps you installed from other websites and DVDs will be removed. Windows puts a list of the removed apps on your desktop after refreshing your PC.
To perform refresh we need a disc, you may refer to the following Microsoft article for more information.
How to restore, refresh, or reset your PC: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows-8/restore-refresh-reset-pc

Since you have a soft copy of Windows 8 Operating System, you may create a windows 8 installation disc using this soft copy. Refer to the following Microsoft article to create (burn) a disc.

2014-10-27, 2201🔥, 0💬