Not enough space in SSD


recently uninstalled spotify from my computer because of a bug. I managed to download the installer and its sitting on my desktop. But when I try to download the actual spotify it says I don't have enough disk space. I have an SSD with 7 gigs on it and an external with over 400 gigs on it. After this happened I uninstalled gyazo and tried reinstalling it but I got an error message as well. It said: Setup was unable to make directory C:\Windows\TMP\is-LNVH4.tmp I had recently moved my TMP and TEMP folders to my external because I needed more space for a download. Could this be the problem?

✍: Guest


I would appreciate if you can provide us the following information to help us understand the issue better.

Is the issue specific to Spotify?

What is the complete error message you received when you tried to install the Gyazo?

This issue might occur due to low space in your SSD and since you made this recent change by moving the TMP and TEMP folder into your external drive you are not able to install gyazo. This could also happen due to the change of default download location.

I would suggest you to try installing a different program and check if it helps.

2015-01-07, 1868🔥, 0💬