shdocvw.dll - DLL File - Shell Doc Object and Control Library


What is shdocvw.dll DLL file - Shell Doc Object and Control Library?



DLL shdocvw.dll is the Microsoft Shell Doc Object and Control Library, which works together with mshtml.dll to support Internet Explorer (IE). shdocvw.dll helps to render the IFRAME, FRAME, and EMBED HTML tags.

Note that shdocvw.dll is very vulnerable to be exploited by spyware or adware programs.

shdocvw.dll DLL file info:

Directory: C:\windows\system32
File name: shdocvw.dll
Description: Shell Doc Object and Control Library
Size: 1,351,680 bytes
Date: Monday, September 04, 2006, 1:23:53 AM
Version: 6.0.2800.1892
Company name: Microsoft
System essential: No
Virus/Spyware/Adware: No


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