Where do I find a twain driver for the scanner?


After upgraded Win 8, my scanner didn't work. After checked, The problem come from twain driver.

✍: Guest


There are no Windows 8 drivers available on Canon's website or Windows Update. Follow these steps to install a Canoscan 8400F scanner under Windows 8 x64 in desktop mode:

(1) Download and install the Windows 7 x64 drivers from the Canon website.

(2) Launch Device Manager, right-click and uninstall any (?) unknown device, then rescan for new hardware and the Windows 7 x64 drivers will automatically install.

(3) Download and install the Canoscan Toolbox software from the Canon website.

(4) Launch the Canoscan Toolbox software, select Settings, and click the Reset button to repair the non-working Copy/Scan/PDF/Email scanner buttons.

(5) Reboot.

Button functionality is restored after the reboot. Everything works as designed now

2015-01-28, 2152🔥, 0💬