Save Process List with Process Explorer on Windows 7


How to save the process tree list on Process Explorer to a file on Windows 7? I want to keep a copy of the process tree.



You can save the process tree list with Process Explorer to a file on Windows 7 with these steps:

1. Double click on C:\fyicenter\ProcessExplorer\procexp.exe to start Process Explorer. You will all processes displayed in a tree structure.

2. Click menu "File > Show Details for All Processes". This allows you to see more details on each process.

3. Click menu "File > Save as". Locate folder and enter file name to save data to C:\fyicenter\process_exeplorer_list.txt.

4. Open the file in notepad. You will see something like:

Process CPU Private Bytes   Working Set PID Description Company Name
System Idle Process 85.80   0 K 24 K    0       
System  0.15    164 K   320 K   4       
 Interrupts 0.28    0 K 0 K n/a Hardware Interrupts and DPCs    
 smss.exe       328 K   252 K   308 Windows Session Manager
csrss.exe   < 0.01   1,740 K 972 K   428 Client Server Runtime Process   
csrss.exe   0.11    4,396 K 64,852 K    484 Client Server Runtime Process   
 conhost.exe        1,368 K 1,260 K 6608    Console Window Host
wininit.exe     1,076 K 108 K   492 Windows Start-Up Application    
 services.exe       8,224 K 7,088 K 592 Services and Controller app 
  svchost.exe       4,592 K 4,236 K 712 Host Process for Windows Services   
   WmiPrvSE.exe < 0.01   13,844 K    5,032 K 2704    WMI Provider Host   
   WmiPrvSE.exe < 0.01   13,344 K    14,712 K    2712    WMI Provider Host   
   unsecapp.exe     1,148 K 1,448 K 1776    Sink to receive asynchronous 
                    callbacks for WMI client application
   WmiPrvSE.exe     5,632 K 3,820 K 2636    WMI Provider Host
   WmiPrvSE.exe     2,420 K 2,140 K 3784    WMI Provider Host
   WmiPrvSE.exe     7,744 K 4,584 K 3440    WMI Provider Host
   WmiPrvSE.exe     6,004 K 3,764 K 5984    WMI Provider Host
  svchost.exe   < 0.01   6,844 K 5,400 K 832 Host Process for Windows Services
  MsMpEng.exe   0.23    129,136 K   51,520 K    928 Antimalware Service Executable
  svchost.exe   0.01    18,388 K    10,304 K    1004    Host Process for Windows Services
   audiodg.exe      15,184 K    14,088 K    3872    Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation 
  svchost.exe   10.90   85,836 K    79,060 K    1040    Host Process for Windows Services
   dwm.exe  0.84    118,884 K   51,940 K    5804    Desktop Window Manager
  svchost.exe       10,596 K    9,780 K 1064    Host Process for Windows Services
  svchost.exe   < 0.01   74,052 K    52,196 K    1088    Host Process for Windows Services
   taskeng.exe      1,536 K 1,308 K 9312    Task Scheduler Engine
  svchost.exe       3,856 K 2,776 K 1200    Host Process for Windows Services
  svchost.exe       13,096 K    11,408 K    1748    Host Process for Windows Services
  svchost.exe   < 0.01   24,080 K    10,144 K    1828    Host Process for Windows Services
  tphkload.exe      7,760 K 2,644 K 1868    ThinkPad Message Client Loader
   rundll32.exe < 0.01   1,176 K 500 K   4628    Windows host process (Rundll32)
   TpScrex.exe      1,812 K 1,196 K 5312    ThinkPad UltraZoom
   TPONSCR.exe      1,344 K 1,488 K 5308    On screen display drawer
  TPHKSVC.exe       2,712 K 1,296 K 1896    On screen display Fn+Fx handler
   tpnumlk.exe      980 K   1,116 K 1960    NumLock indicator for ThinkPad
   tpnumlkd.exe < 0.01   916 K   744 K   5392    NumLock on screen display for ThinkPad
  svchost.exe       3,508 K 1,656 K 1928    Host Process for Windows Services
  svchost.exe       5,512 K 2,228 K 1620    Host Process for Windows Services
  dsNcService.exe       1,768 K 1,616 K 2044    Network Connect Service Juniper Networks
  CamMute.exe       1,316 K 1,168 K 2120    Camera Mute Control Service for ThinkPad
  micmute.exe       5,552 K 1,480 K 2148    Microphone Mute Control Service for ThinkPad
  TPKNRSVC.exe      908 K   1,004 K 2172    Microphone volume control service   
  lvvsst.exe        2,236 K 1,248 K 2204    Auto Scroll Start Service   
  NisSrv.exe        16,588 K    8,948 K 3444 Network Realtime Inspection Service
  svchost.exe       4,412 K 3,180 K 3492    Host Process for Windows Services
  svchost.exe       2,144 K 2,556 K 3668    Host Process for Windows Services
  CcmExec.exe       29,748 K    21,232 K    2328    Host Process for 
                    Microsoft Configuration Manager
   SCNotification.exe       30,192 K    8,812 K 2580    SCNotification
  CmRcService.exe   0.01    26,100 K    2,204 K 3160    Configuration 
                    Manager Remote Control Service
  SearchIndexer.exe < 0.01   50,212 K    9,952 K 2660 Windows Search Indexer
   SearchProtocolHost.exe   < 0.01   1,780 K 6,172 K 7316 Windows Search 
                    Protocol Host
   SearchFilterHost.exe     1,164 K 3,724 K 9744 Windows Search Filter Host
  taskhost.exe  < 0.01   13,328 K    2,448 K 5744    Host Process for 
                    Windows Tasks
  taskhost.exe      7,324 K 1,492 K 4728    Host Process for Windows Tasks
  svchost.exe       4,068 K 2,876 K 4936    Host Process for Windows Services
  OSPPSVC.EXE       2,868 K 6,676 K 9968 Office Software Protection 
                    Platform Service
  svchost.exe   0.01    2,652 K 5,360 K 9660    Host Process for Windows Services   
 lsass.exe      7,820 K 7,464 K 600 Local Security Authority Process
 lsm.exe        2,772 K 2,536 K 612 Local Session Manager Service
winlogon.exe        2,724 K 1,580 K 544 Windows Logon Application
explorer.exe    0.15    145,952 K   66,572 K    5836    Windows Explorer    
 TpKnrres.exe   < 0.01   976 K   532 K   3400    Microphone volume control module    
 hkcmd.exe      1,736 K 1,224 K 2848    hkcmd Module    Intel Corporation
 igfxpers.exe       2,260 K 2,520 K 3632    persistence Module  Intel 
 RCIMGDIR.exe       1,140 K 1,092 K 2220    RCIMGDIR    Ricoh co.,Ltd.
 msseces.exe    0.02    6,148 K 1,140 K 3676 Security Client 
                    User Interface
 MSOSYNC.EXE        5,136 K 3,932 K 4468 Office Document Cache  
 cmd.exe        4,740 K 268 K   1492    Windows Command Processor
 cmd.exe        2,388 K 272 K   1760    Windows Command Processor
 WINWORD.EXE    0.01    22,948 K    8,960 K 6080 Word
AdobeARM.exe        5,028 K 1,008 K 8284    Adobe Reader and Acrobat Manager    
                    Adobe Systems Incorporated
procexp.exe 1.02    25,104 K    42,556 K    9776    Sysinternals Process Explorer   
                    Sysinternals -


Dependency Walker in Process Explorer on Windows 7

See Process Properties with Process Explorer on Windows 7

Process Explorer on Windows 7

⇑⇑ Windows 7 Processes Tutorials

2016-07-30, 3809🔥, 0💬