"System interrupts" on Windows 8


What is the "System interrupts" on Windows 8? Is the "System interrupts" a virus? Can I terminate the "System interrupts"?

✍: FYIcenter.com


"System interrupts" process is a dummy process of Windows 8 operating system. It represents deferred procedure calls and interrupt service routines.

On the Details tab of "Task Manager", "System interrupts" may be listed as:

Image Name           PID  User Name  CPU  Memory  Description

System interrupts         SYSTEM     0%   0 K     deferred procedure calls and 
                                                  interrupt service routines

"System interrupts" process is not a virus. You should not terminate "System interrupts" process.


"System Idle Process" on Windows 8

System Processes on Windows 8

System Processes on Windows 8

⇑⇑ Windows 8 Processes Tutorials

2016-12-30, 1750🔥, 0💬