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Removing DSAgnt.exe - Startup Application - Dell Support Agent
How to remove DSAgnt.exe from the startup application list to gain performance and reduce security risk?
Startup application DSAgnt.exe is the Dell Support Agent, that offers additional support and update features for your Dell computer or laptop. See our DSAgnt.exe - Startup Application tutorial for more details.
If you want to remove DSAgnt.exe from the startup application list to gain performance and reduce security risk, you can follow this tutorial.
1. Click Start > Programs > Dell Support > Dell Support Settings. A dialog box shows up.
2. Uncheck "Run on Windows startup" and uncheck "Show icon on the taskbar".
3. Click OK to save the changes.
DSAgnt.exe should be remove from the startup application list now.
2007-02-09, 21535🔥, 0💬
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