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Turning off "Recent Files" on Windows 7
Can I stop Windows 7 to store and show recent files? I don't want my boss to know what files I was looking at when he borrows my computer.
Yes, you can turn off the store and show recent files function on Windows 7:
Right-mouse click on the task bar and select "Properties". You will see the "Taskbar and Start Menu Properties" dialog box.
Click "Start Menu" tab and uncheck the "Store and display recently opened items in the Start menu and the taskbar" option.
Click "Apply" button. Windows 7 will stop storing and showing recent files from now on.
⇒ Removing Files in "Favorites" Folder on Windows 7
⇐ Removing Files in "Recent" Folder on Windows 7
2015-05-05, 3126🔥, 0💬
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