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Disable/Enable Services on Windows 7 Service Console
How to enable or disable services on the Windows 7 Services console?
If you want to enable or disable a service on the Windows 7 Services console, you can follow this tutorial:
1. Start the Services console as shown in "Start Services Console on Windows 7" tutorial.
2. Scroll service list up and down to locate the service that you are interested in, for example "Print Spooler".
3. Double-click on "Print Spooler". You will see the "Print Spooler Properties" screen showing up with the "General" tab.
4. If you want to disable the service, click the "Stop" button to stop the service first, then change the "Startup type" setting to "Disabled".
5. If you want to enable the service, change the "Startup type" setting to "Manual" first, click the "Apply" button, then click the "Start" button start the service.
6. Click "OK" to save the changes.
Picture below shows you how to use Services console
to disable or enable services:
⇒ Service Dependencies on Windows 7 Service Console
⇐ Service Startup Types on Windows 7 Service Console
2016-07-07, 2419🔥, 0💬
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