Recommendations on Scheduled Tasks on Windows 8


Can I get recommendations on scheduled tasks for my Windows 8 system?



Here is a list of commonly seen scheduled tasks on Windows 8 system with recommendations whether to keep, disable to delete them:

Adobe Flash Player Update - FlashPlayerUpdateService.exe - disable it
GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore - GoogleUpdate.exe - disable it
GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA - GoogleUpdate.exe - disable it
GoogleUpdateTaskUserS-1... - GoogleUpdate.exe - disable it
Optimize Start Menu Cache Files S-1... - - disable it
PCDEventLauncher - sessionchecker.exe - keep it
PCDoctorBackgroundMonitorTask - ualauncher.exe - keep it
SystemToolsDailyTest - keep it


Using Windows Defender on Windows 8

Security Impact of Scheduled Task on Windows 8

Delete or Disable Scheduled Tasks on Windows 8

⇑⇑ Windows 8 Security Tutorials

2021-06-05, 1809🔥, 0💬