New Microsoft Surface Tablet


Does anyone out there know (or can you find out) if the new Microsoft Surface tablet will have a battery that the owner can replace, or will the device have to be sent somewhere to have a new battery installed? I currently have a Fujitsu tablet with Windows 7. I bought it because it has a battery I can replace by myself if necessary. I think that for a lot of consumers, this is a decisive point in choosing which tablet to buy. If, for example, I have to choose between buying a new Fujitsu tablet with Windows 8, where I can change the battery myself, and a Microsoft Surface, where only a technician can replace the battery, I'll have to choose the Fujitsu device.

✍: Guest


There are very few technical details available for this new tablet. We don't even know which company will be manufacturing the device yet.

Here is a link to the official page for the new Surface Tablet with all of the currently available technical details.

Microsoft Announces Surface:

There is a link on that page where you can watch the video of the Keynote from the official announcement yesterday.

2012-08-10, 3337🔥, 0💬