Manage Space in Command Name


How to manage space characters in the command name?



If the command you want to run is an executable program and the program name or path has space characters, you have to enclose the command name between a pair of double quotes.

For example, if you want to run the "7z.exe" program located in the "\Program Files\7-Zip" folder, you need to enclose the path name (the folder and the file name) of the "7z.exe" program in double quotes as the command name:

C:\fyicenter>"\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" i | more

7-Zip [64] 16.04 : Copyright (c) 1999-2016 Igor Pavlov : 2016-10-04

 0  C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.dll

 0               APM      apm           E R
 0               Ar       ar a deb lib  ! < a r c h > 0A
 0               Arj      arj           ` EA
 0 CK            bzip2    bz2 bzip2 tbz2 (.tar) tbz (.tar) B Z h
 0               Compound msi msp doc xls ppt D0 CF 11 E0 A1 B1 1A E1
 0      M        Cpio     cpio          0 7 0 7 0  ||  C7 q  ||  q C7
 0               CramFS   cramfs        offset=16 C o m p r e s s e d 20 R O M F
 0       G  B    Dmg      dmg           k o l y 00 00 00 04 00 00 02 00
 0           E   ELF      elf           ⌂ E L F
 0               Ext      ext ext2 ext3 ext4 img offset=1080 S EF
 0               FAT      fat img       offset=510 U AA
 0               FLV      flv           F L V 01
 0 CK            gzip     gz gzip tgz (.tar) tpz (.tar) 1F 8B 08
 0               GPT      gpt mbr       offset=512 E F I 20 P A R T 00 00 01 00
 0      M        HFS      hfs hfsx      offset=1024 H + 00 04  ||  H X 00 05
-- More  --


Manage Space in Command Option

Basic Structure of Windows Command

Windows Command Syntax

⇑⇑ Windows Batch File Tutorials

2022-01-16, 3497🔥, 1💬