Detected Threat Details in Windows Defender


How to view detected threat details in Windows Defender?



If you Windows Defender detects a malicious program on your computer, you can follow this tutorial to view detailed information of the detected program.

1. On the Windows Defender scan result screen, click "Show details" under the "Clean PC" button. You see the threat details screen.

2. Review each detected items:

Trojan:Win32/Mywife.E!CME24, Severe, Active

3. Click "Show details" for the selected item. You see more information about the item including the folder where the item is located.

4. Click "Get more information about this online" link.

The picture below shows you how to view detailed information of the detected malicious item in Windows Defender:
View Threat Details in Windows Defender


Remove Malware Detected by Windows Defender

Full Scan with Windows Defender

Using Windows Defender on Windows 8

⇑⇑ Windows 8 Security Tutorials

2021-05-28, 1940🔥, 0💬