Use Bluetooth Send Wizard on Windows 7 to Send Music Files


How Can I use Bluetooth Send Wizard on Windows 7 system to send music files to my cell phone?



You can use Bluetooth Send Wizard on Windows 7 to send a music file to your cell phone connected as a Bluetooth device using these steps:

1. On Windows explorer, find the music file "NorthRiver.mp3".

2. Right-click on "NorthRiver.mp3" and select the "Send to > Bluetooth" command from the context menu. You will see the "Bluetooth Send Wizard" window showing up.

3. Click "Next". You will see the "Select Bluetooth Device" window showing with "MYPHONE" listed to represent your cell phone.

4. Double-click "MYPHONE". Windows 7 will start to send the music file to your cell phone.

A progress bar will be displayed as shown below:
Bluetooth Send Wizard - Progress Bar


Request for FTP File Access Permission on Windows 7

Bluetooth FTP Wizard on Windows 7 to Send Music Files

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⇑⇑ Bluetooth Tutorials

2012-03-02, 5241🔥, 0💬