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View Phone Device Functions on Windows 7
How can I see the list of device functions on my cell phone Bluetooth device connected to my Windows 7?
If you want see the list of device functions on your cell phone Bluetooth device connected to your Windows 7, you can use these steps:
1. Go to "Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Devices and Printers". You will see your cell phone, "MYPHONE", listed as a Bluetooth device.
2. Right-click on "MYPHONE" and select the "Properties" command from the context menu. You will see the "MYPHONE Properties" window showing up.
3. Click the "Hardware" tab. You will see a list of device functions displayed:
Device Functions: Bluetooth AV Remote Control Target Bluetooth Virtual Devices Bluetooth AV Source Bluetooth Virtual Devices Bluetooth FTP Bluetooth Virtual Devices Bluetooth Hands-free AG Bluetooth Virtual Devices Bluetooth Headset AG Bluetooth Virtual Devices Bluetooth OPP Bluetooth Virtual Devices Standard Modem over Bluetooth link Modem Standard Serial over Bluetooth link Ports (COM & LPT)
See the picture below:
⇒ Viewing Phone Bluetooth Services on Windows 7
⇐ Add Phone to Windows 7 without Pairing Code
2012-03-01, 5382🔥, 0💬
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