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Windows Phone Sync Folders with Zune
What folders on my Windows computer are used to store photos, music and videos synchronized from my Windows phone with Zune?
If you did not change settings in Zune, the synchronization folders on your Windows computer are:
C:\Users\"name"\Music - For music files C:\Users\"name"\Pictures - For photo files C:\Users\"name"\Podcasts - For podcast files C:\Users\"name"\Videos - For video files
1. Open Windows Explorer
2. Go to C:\Users\"name"\Pictures folder (replace "name" with your Windows login name) You see a sub folder called "From SAMSUNG SGH-i937".
3. Double click on "From SAMSUNG SGH-i937". You see two sub folders "Camera roll" and "Saved pictures".
4. Double click on "Camera roll". You all pictures you took on your Window phone.
2013-10-23, 3593🔥, 0💬
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