Transfer Picture from Computer to Phone with Zune


How to transfer pictures from computer to Windows phone with Zune?



If you have some nice pictures on your computer and you want to transfer them to your Windows phone, you can do this using Zune software.

1. Create a new folder C:\Users\"name"\Pictures\Pictures\FromPC. Save your nice pictures into this folder.

2. Connect your phone to your computer and run Zune.

3. Click Collections > Pictures. You see a list of Albums showing up.

4. Click "FromPC" album. You see a list of your favorite pictures.

5. Hold down "Shift" key and select multiple pictres, or presse "Ctrl-A" to select all pictures.

6. Drag them to the Phone icon on the bottom left corner.
Zune - Transfer Pictures to Phone

6. Disconnect the phone and launch "Pictures" app on the phone.

7. Tap albums > FromPC You see a list of pictures that are transferred from computer.

2013-10-28, 5083🔥, 0💬