Other System Services on Windows 7


Where are system services not hosted by "svchost.exe" or "lsass.exe" process on Windows 7?

✍: FYIcenter.com


Here is a list of services that use system programs directly, not using "svchost.exe" or "lsass.exe" hosting processes:

'Realtek Audio Service - RtkAudioService64.exe' Service on Windows 7

"@%SystemRoot%\ehome\ehsched.exe,-101 - ehsched.exe" Service on Windows 7

"@%SystemRoot%\system32\ieetwcollectorres.dll,-1000 - " Service on Windows 7

"@%systemroot%\sysWow64\perfhost.exe,-2 - perfhost.exe" Service on Windows 7

"@C:\windows\system32\drprov.dll,-100 - " Service on Windows 7

"Microsoft Policy Platform Local Authority - policyHost.exe" Service on Windows 7

"Microsoft Policy Platform Processor - policyHost.exe" Service on Windows 7

"Windows Phone IP over USB Transport (IpOverUsbSvc) - IpOverUsbSvc.exe" Service on Windows 7

"SynTPEnh Caller Service - SynTPEnhService.exe" Service on Windows 7

"SynTPEnh Caller Service - SynTPEnhService.exe" Problem

"Interactive Services Detection - UI0Detect.exe" Service on Windows 7

"Dolby DAX2 API Service - DolbyDAX2API.exe" Service on Windows 7

"Intel Security PEF Service - PEFService.exe" Service on Windows 7

"Intel(R) HD Graphics Control Panel Service - igfxCUIService.exe" Service on Windows 7

"Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless Zero Configuration Service - ZeroConfigService.exe" Service on Windows 7

"Validity WBF Policy Service - valWBFPolicyService.exe" Service on Windows 7

"System Update - SUService.exe" Service on Windows 7

"Microsoft Network Inspection - NisSrv.exe" Service on Windows 7

"Power Manager Service - PWMDBSVC.EXE" Service on Windows 7

"Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless Registry Service - RegSrvc.exe" Service on Windows 7

"Microsoft Online Services Sign-in Assistant - MSOIDSVC.EXE" Service on Windows 7

"Microsoft Antimalware Service - MsMpEng.exe" Service on Windows 7

"PowerENGAGE Maintenance Service - EngageService.exe" Service on Windows 7

'Lenovo Platform Service - ' Service on Windows 7

"Lenovo Solution Center System Service - LSC.Services.SystemService.exe" Service on Windows 7

"Lenovo Doze Mode Service - DZSVC64.EXE" Service on Windows 7

"Lenovo Keyboard Noise Reduction - TPKNRSVC.exe" Service on Windows 7

"Lenovo Virtual Camera Controller - vcamsvc.exe" Service on Windows 7

"Management and Security Application Local Management Service - LMS.exe" on Windows 7

"Intel(R) Dynamic Application Loader Host Interface Service - jhi_service.exe" Service on Windows 7

"Intel(R) HD Graphics Control Panel Service - igfxCUIService.exe" on Windows 7

"Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless Event Log - EvtEng.exe" Service on Windows 7

"DisplayLinkManager - DisplayLinkManager.exe" Service on Windows 7

"Bradford Persistent Agent Service - bndaemon.exe" Service on Windows 7

"Bluetooth Device Monitor - devmonsrv.exe" Service on Windows 7

"Bluetooth OBEX Service - obexsrv.exe" Service on Windows 7

"Bluetooth Media Service - mediasrv.exe" Service on Windows 7

"Application Layer Gateway Service - alg.exe" Service on Windows 7

"Block Level Backup Engine Service - wbengine.exe" Service on Windows 7

"Distributed Transaction Coordinator - msdtc.exe" Service on Windows 7

"Fax - fxssvc.exe" Service on Windows 7

"Print Spooler - spoolsv.exe" Service on Windows 7

"Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator - locator.exe" Service on Windows 7

"SMS Agent Host - CcmExec.exe" Service on Windows 7

"SMS Task Sequence Agent - TSManager.exe" Service on Windows 7

"SNMP Trap - snmptrap.exe" Service on Windows 7

"Software Protection - sppsvc.exe" Service on Windows 7

"ThinkPad HDD APS Logging Service - TPHDEXLG64.exe" Service on Windows 7

"ThinkPad PM Service - IBMPMSVC.exe" Service on Windows 7

"Virtual Disk - vds.exe" Service on Windows 7

"Volume Shadow Copy - vssvc.exe" Service on Windows 7

"Windows Installer - msiexec.exe" Service on Windows 7

"Windows Search - SearchIndexer.exe" Service on Windows 7

"WMI Performance Adapter - WmiApSrv.exe" Service on Windows 7


'Realtek Audio Service - RtkAudioService64.exe' Service on Windows 7

Identify the lsass.exe Process on Windows 7

⇑⇑ Windows 7 Services Tutorials

2016-07-09, 2503🔥, 0💬