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"McAfee Endpoint Encryption Agent - MfeEpeHost.exe" Service on Windows 7
What is "McAfee Endpoint Encryption Agent" in my Windows 7 service list? And how is "McAfee Endpoint Encryption Agent" service related to MfeEpeHost.exe? "McAfee Endpoint Encryption Agent" is a service is provided by MfeEpeHost.exe EXE file. Detailed information on "McAfee Endpoint Encryption Agent"...
2012-04-26, 11506🔥, 0💬

mnmsrvc.exe - Service - NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing
Can I disable Windows service "NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing" to speedup my computer? Microsoft application service "NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing" - Enables an authorized user to access this computer remotely by using NetMeeting over a corporate intranet. If this service is stopped, remote ...
2006-12-26, 11439🔥, 0💬

mqsvc.exe - Service - Message Queuing
Can I disable Windows service "Message Queuing" to speedup my computer? Windows service "Message Queuing" - Providing Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) service enabling applications running at different times to communicate across heterogeneous networks and systems that may be temporarily offline. Ex...
2006-12-26, 11435🔥, 0💬

sessmgr.exe - Service - Remote Desktop Help Session Manager
Can I disable Windows service "Remote Desktop Help Session Manager" to speedup my computer? Windows service "Remote Desktop Help Session Manager" - Manages and controls Remote Assistance. If this service is stopped, Remote Assistance will be unavailable. Before stopping this service, see the Depende...
2006-12-26, 11429🔥, 0💬

"Network Store Interface Service - nsi.dll" Service on Windows 7
What is "Network Store Interface Service" in my Windows 7 service list? And how is "Network Store Interface Service" service related to nsi.dll? "Network Store Interface Service" is a Windows 7 service that "This service delivers network notifications (e.g. interface addition/deleting etc) to user m...
2012-05-11, 11421🔥, 0💬

svchost.exe - Service - Network Provisioning Service
Can I disable Windows service "Network Provisioning Service" to speedup my computer? Windows service "Network Provisioning Service" - Manages XML configuration files on a domain basis for automatic network provisioning. Execution command: C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.ex e-k netsvcs It is unlikely tha...
2006-12-27, 11385🔥, 0💬

'svchost.exe -k LocalServiceNetworkRestricted' Services on Windows 7
Where are services hosted by "svchost.exe -k LocalServiceNetworkRestricted" on Windows 7? What is the meaning of "-k LocalServiceNetworkRestricted" parameter? "svchost.exe -k LocalServiceNetworkRestricted" command is used to invoke the svchost.exe program to load the DLL file for the given service s...
2016-09-04, 11175🔥, 0💬

"Windows Audio Endpoint Builder - Audiosrv.dll" Service on Windows XP
What is "Windows Audio Endpoint Builder" in my Windows XP service list? And how is "Windows Audio Endpoint Builder" service related to Audiosrv.dll? "Windows Audio Endpoint Builder" is a Windows XP service that "Manages audio devices for the Windows Audio service. If this service is stopped, audio d...
2012-06-28, 11140🔥, 0💬

"Remote Procedure Call (RPC) - RpcSs.dll" Service on Windows XP
What is "Remote Procedure Call (RPC)" in my Windows XP service list? And how is "Remote Procedure Call (RPC)" service related to RpcSs.dll? "Remote Procedure Call (RPC)" is a Windows XP service that "The RPCSS service is the Service Control Manager for COM and DCOM servers. It performs object activa...
2012-05-31, 11054🔥, 0💬

"Volume Shadow Copy - vssvc.exe" Service on Windows 7
What is "Volume Shadow Copy" in my Windows 7 service list? And how is "Volume Shadow Copy" service related to vssvc.exe? "Volume Shadow Copy" is a Windows 7 service that "Manages and implements Volume Shadow Copies used for backup and other purposes. If this service is stopped, shadow copies will be...
2012-06-27, 11039🔥, 0💬

"PnP-X IP Bus Enumerator - IPBusEnum.dll" Service on Windows XP
What is "PnP-X IP Bus Enumerator" in my Windows XP service list? And how is "PnP-X IP Bus Enumerator" service related to IPBusEnum.dll? "PnP-X IP Bus Enumerator" is a Windows XP service that "The PnP-X bus enumerator service manages the virtual network bus. It discovers network connected devices usi...
2012-05-18, 11008🔥, 0💬

mcshield.exe - Service - Network Associates McShield
Can I disable Windows service "Network Associates McShield" to speedup my computer? Third party application service "Network Associates McShield" Execution command: C:\Program Files\Network Associates\VirusScan\mcshield. exeObviously if you are using McAfee VirusScan on your computer, you should lea...
2006-12-26, 10946🔥, 0💬

"Workstation - wkssvc.dll" Service on Windows XP
What is "Workstation" in my Windows XP service list? And how is "Workstation" service related to wkssvc.dll? "Workstation" is a Windows XP service that "Creates and maintains client network connections to remote servers using the SMB protocol. If this service is stopped, these connections will be un...
2012-02-29, 10944🔥, 0💬

"Block Level Backup Engine Service - wbengine.exe" Service on Windows 7
What is "Block Level Backup Engine Service" in my Windows 7 service list? And how is "Block Level Backup Engine Service" service related to wbengine.exe? "Block Level Backup Engine Service" is a Windows 7 service that "The WBENGINE service is used by Windows Backup to perform backup and recovery ope...
2012-03-19, 10935🔥, 0💬

svchost.exe - Service - Fast User Switching Compatibility
Can I disable Windows service "Fast User Switching Compatibility" to speedup my computer? Windows service "Fast User Switching Compatibility" - Provides management for applications that require assistance in a multiple user environment. Execution command: C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.ex e-k netsvcs I...
2006-12-26, 10930🔥, 0💬

msdtc.exe - Service - Distributed Transaction Coordinator
Can I disable Windows service "Distributed Transaction Coordinator" to speedup my computer? Windows service "Distributed Transaction Coordinator" - Coordinates transactions that span multiple resource managers, such as databases, message queues, and file systems. If this service is stopped, these tr...
2006-12-26, 10863🔥, 0💬

"Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service - SstpSvc.dll" Service on Windows 7
What is "Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service" in my Windows 7 service list? And how is "Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service" service related to SstpSvc.dll? "Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service" is a Windows 7 service that "Provides support for the Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SS...
2012-06-06, 10832🔥, 0💬

"Quality Windows Audio Video Experience - QWAVE.dll" Service on Windows 7
What is "Quality Windows Audio Video Experience" in my Windows 7 service list? And how is "Quality Windows Audio Video Experience" service related to QWAVE.dll? "Quality Windows Audio Video Experience" is a Windows 7 service that "Quality Windows Audio Video Experience (qWave) is a networking platfo...
2012-05-28, 10796🔥, 0💬

"Group Policy Client - gpsvc.dll" Service on Windows XP
What is "Group Policy Client" in my Windows XP service list? And how is "Group Policy Client" service related to gpsvc.dll? "Group Policy Client" is a Windows XP service that "The service is responsible for applying settings configured by administrators for the computer and users through the Group P...
2012-04-13, 10748🔥, 0💬

"Function Discovery Provider Host - fdphost.dll" Service on Windows 7
What is "Function Discovery Provider Host" in my Windows 7 service list? And how is "Function Discovery Provider Host" service related to fdphost.dll? "Function Discovery Provider Host" is a Windows 7 service that "The FDPHOST service hosts the Function Discovery (FD) network discovery providers. Th...
2012-04-12, 10744🔥, 0💬

spoolsv.exe - Service - Print Spooler
Can I disable Windows service "Print Spooler" to speedup my computer? Windows service "Print Spooler" - Loads files to memory for later printing. Execution command: C:\WINDOWS\system32\spoolsv.ex eIt is very unlikely that you need this type of service, so disable "Print Spooler", freeing up at least...
2006-12-26, 10735🔥, 0💬

"Bluetooth Support Service - bthserv.dll" Service on Windows XP
What is "Bluetooth Support Service" in my Windows XP service list? And how is "Bluetooth Support Service" service related to bthserv.dll? "Bluetooth Support Service" is a Windows XP service that "The Bluetooth service supports discovery and association of remote Bluetooth devices. Stopping or disabl...
2012-03-20, 10707🔥, 0💬

OraClrAgnt.exe - Service - OracleXETNSListener
Can I disable Windows service "OracleXETNSListener" to speedup my computer? Third party application service "OracleXETNSListener". Execution command: C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product \10.2.0\server\BIN\tnslsnr.exeObviously, this is part of the Oracle server installed on your computer. So disable it, i...
2006-12-26, 10705🔥, 0💬

svchost.exe - Service - Remote Registry
Can I disable Windows service "Remote Registry" to speedup my computer? Windows service "Remote Registry" - Enables remote users to modify registry settings on this computer. If this service is stopped, the registry can be modified only by users on this computer. If this service is disabled, any ser...
2006-12-26, 10680🔥, 0💬

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