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svchost.exe - Service - DCOM Server Process Launcher
Can I disable Windows service "DCOM Server Process Launcher" to speedup my computer? Windows service "DCOM Server Process Launcher" - Provides launch functionality for DCOM services. Execution command: C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.ex e-k DcomLaunch This service is needed for Windows firewall function...
2006-12-27, 23350🔥, 0💬

"User Profile Service - ProfSvc.dll" Service on Windows XP
What is "User Profile Service" in my Windows XP service list? And how is "User Profile Service" service related to ProfSvc.dll? "User Profile Service" is a Windows XP service that "This service is responsible for loading and unloading user profiles. If this service is stopped or disabled, users will...
2012-06-26, 22190🔥, 0💬

Starting and Stopping Windows XP Services
How to start and stop a Windows XP service? If you want to start or stop a Windows service, you can follow this tutorial. 1. Click Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools. 2. Double click "Services". Services Management Console window shows up. 3. Select the service that you want to stop, for e...
2016-06-30, 22159🔥, 2💬

💬 2008-08-15 FYIcenter.com: @StreetBoy. Thanks for the comment.

💬 2008-08-12 StreetBoy: Another easy way to open the 'Services' console is just to right-click 'My Computer' and then click 'Manage'. In the window that...

extjob.exe - Service - OracleJobSchedulerXE
Can I disable Windows service "OracleJobSchedulerXE" to speedup my computer? Third party application service "OracleJobSchedulerXE". Execution command: C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product \10.2.0\server\Bin\extjob.exeXE Obviously, this is part of the Oracle server installed on your computer. So disable i...
2017-03-25, 21623🔥, 2💬

💬 2017-03-25 FYIcenter.com: Try "clear screen" command, if you are using Oracle 11.

💬 2017-03-20 raghu: cl scr command is not working

"Microsoft Policy Platform Local Authority - policyHost.exe" Service on Windows 7
What is "Microsoft Policy Platform Local Authority" in my Windows 7 service list? And how is "Microsoft Policy Platform Local Authority" service related to policyHost.exe? "Microsoft Policy Platform Local Authority" is a Windows 7 service provided by policyHost.exe program file. Detailed information...
2023-04-17, 21107🔥, 4💬

💬 2023-04-17 FYIcenter.com: @Marshall, your computer will run faster without this task. If you really want to have it back, you can reinstall Google Chrome.

💬 2023-04-07 Marshall: how do I redownload these tasks

💬 2022-05-31 FYIcenter.com: @Ayan, It will have a good impact on your Windows performance.

(More comments ...)

View Services with 'msconfig.exe' on Windows 7
How to view services with the System Configuration tool "msconfig.exe" on Windows 7? System Configuration "msconfig.exe" is a system administrator tool to manage system startup configurations on Windows 7. It can also be used to view all services that are defined on the system. 1. Enter "msconfig.ex...
2016-07-10, 20932🔥, 1💬

💬 2016-07-10 David: What will happen, if click Disable All?

OraClrAgnt.exe - Service - OracleXEClrAgent
Can I disable Windows service "OracleXEClrAgent" to speedup my computer? Third party application service "OracleXEClrAgent". Execution command: C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product \10.2.0\server\bin\OraClrAgnt. exeagent_sid=CLRExtProc max_dispatchers=2 tcp_dispatchers=0 max_task_threads=6 max_sessions=25 ...
2006-12-26, 20807🔥, 0💬

"Credential Manager - vaultsvc.dll" Service on Windows XP
What is "Credential Manager" in my Windows XP service list? And how is "Credential Manager" service related to vaultsvc.dll? "Credential Manager" is a Windows XP service that "Provides secure storage and retrieval of credentials to users, applications and security service packages." "Credential Mana...
2012-04-03, 20714🔥, 0💬

IDriverT.exe - Service - InstallDriver Table Manager
Can I disable Windows service "InstallDriver Table Manager" to speedup my computer? Windows service "InstallDriver Table Manager" - Provides support for the Running Object Table for InstallShield Drivers Execution command: C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\Driver\11\ Intel32\IDriverT.exe I...
2006-12-26, 20644🔥, 0💬

imapi.exe - Service - IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service
Can I disable Windows service "IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service" to speedup my computer? Windows service "IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service" - Manages CD recording using Image Mastering Applications Programming Interface (IMAPI). If this service is stopped, this computer will be unable to record CDs. If this...
2006-12-26, 20483🔥, 0💬

aspnet_state.exe - Service - ASP.NET State Service
Can I disable Windows service "ASP.NET State Service" to speedup my computer? Windows service "ASP.NET State Service" - Provides support for out-of-process session states for ASP.NET. If this service is stopped, out-of-process requests will not be processed. If this service is disabled, any services...
2006-12-26, 20321🔥, 0💬

"Net.Tcp Listener Adapter - SMSvcHost.exe" Service on Windows 7
What is "Net.Tcp Listener Adapter" in my Windows 7 service list? And how is "Net.Tcp Listener Adapter" service related to SMSvcHost.exe? "Net.Tcp Listener Adapter" is a Windows 7 service that "Receives activation requests over the net.tcp protocol and passes them to the Windows Process Activation Se...
2012-05-07, 20241🔥, 0💬

"SSDP Discovery - SSDPSRV.dll" Service on Windows 7
What is "SSDP Discovery" in my Windows 7 service list? And how is "SSDP Discovery" service related to SSDPSRV.dll? "SSDP Discovery" is a Windows 7 service that "Discovers networked devices and services that use the SSDP discovery protocol, such as UPnP devices. Also announces SSDP devices and servic...
2012-06-15, 19890🔥, 0💬

Freeing Up Memory Usage by Disabling Unnecessary Windows Services
How much memory can I free up by disabling unnecessary Windows services? If you are buying a new computer with Windows XP systems and some third-party applications installed, you will probably see over 100 Windows services configured on your computer. But over 75% of those configured services is not...
2006-12-25, 19457🔥, 0💬

svchost.exe - Service - Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)
Can I disable Windows service "Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)" to speedup my computer? Windows service "Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)" - Provides image acquisition services for scanners and cameras. Execution command: C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.ex e-k imgsvc If you are not using your computer to...
2006-12-26, 19240🔥, 0💬

"WWAN AutoConfig - WwanSvc.dll" Service on Windows 7
What is "WWAN AutoConfig" in my Windows 7 service list? And how is "WWAN AutoConfig" service related to WwanSvc.dll? "WWAN AutoConfig" is a Windows 7 service that "This service manages mobile broadband (GSM &amp; CDMA) data card/embedded module adapters and connections by auto-configuring the ne...
2012-02-29, 18749🔥, 0💬

svchost.exe - Service - Portable Media Serial Number
Can I disable Windows service "Portable Media Serial Number" to speedup my computer? Windows service "Portable Media Serial Number" - Retrieves the serial number of any portable music player connected to your computer. Execution command: C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.ex e-k netsvcs It is very unlikely...
2006-12-26, 18652🔥, 0💬

EvtEng.exe - Service - EvtEng
Can I disable Windows service "EvtEng" to speedup my computer? Windows service "EvtEng" - Intel Event Trace Manager Execution command: C:\Program Files\Intel\Wireless\Bin\EvtEn g.exeThis service seems to be related to wireless communication device. If you don't use this service, you can disable "Evt...
2006-12-26, 18103🔥, 0💬

SCardSvr.exe - Service - Smart Card Helper
Can I disable Windows service "Smart Card Helper" to speedup my computer? Windows service "Smart Card Helper" - Enables support for legacy non-plug and play smart-card readers used by this computer. If this service is stopped, this computer will not support legacy reader. If this service is disabled...
2006-12-26, 18075🔥, 0💬

"Pml Driver HPZ12 - HPZipm12.dll" Service on Windows 7
What is "Pml Driver HPZ12" in my Windows 7 service list? And how is "Pml Driver HPZ12" service related to svchost.exe? "Pml Driver HPZ12" is a Windows 7 service as part of a HP printer driver. Detailed information on "Pml Driver HPZ12" service: Service name: Pml Driver HPZ12 Display name: Pml Driver...
2021-12-23, 17873🔥, 2💬

💬 2021-12-19 FYIcenter.com: @jason, Microsoft automatically collects your activities on your home computers. But this practice is stopped in Windows 10.

💬 2021-12-13 jason: perfect topic .p

"Lenovo Camera Mute - CamMute.exe" Service on Windows 7
What is "Lenovo Camera Mute" in a service on Lenovo laptop computer that supports the camera on/off button (or the &lt;Fn&gt;+&lt;F6& amp;gt;key) for the built-in camera. "Lenovo Camera Mute" is a Windows 7 service. "Lenovo Camera Mute" service is provided by CamMute.exe EXE file. Detail...
2012-04-23, 17666🔥, 0💬

"WMI Performance Adapter - WmiApSrv.exe" Service on Windows 7
What is "WMI Performance Adapter" in my Windows 7 service list? And how is "WMI Performance Adapter" service related to WmiApSrv.exe? "WMI Performance Adapter" is a Windows 7 service that "Provides performance library information from Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) providers to clients on ...
2012-07-18, 17573🔥, 0💬

"Lenovo Keyboard Noise Reduction - TPKNRSVC.exe" Service on Windows 7
What is "Lenovo Keyboard Noise Reduction" in my Windows 7 service list? And how is "Lenovo Keyboard Noise Reduction" service related to TPKNRSVC.exe? "Lenovo Keyboard Noise Reduction" is a service provided by TPKNRSVC.exe EXE file. Detailed information on "Lenovo Keyboard Noise Reduction" service: S...
2018-04-26, 17114🔥, 1💬

💬 2018-04-26 DaveN: To the best of my knowledge, Keyboard Noise Reduction is for ThinkPad laptops. I can't begin to guess why it's an automatically ...

"Microsoft SharePoint Workspace Audit Service - GROOVE.EXE" Service on Windows 7
What is "Microsoft SharePoint Workspace Audit Service" in my Windows 7 service list? And how is "Microsoft SharePoint Workspace Audit Service" service related to GROOVE.EXE? "Microsoft SharePoint Workspace Audit Service" is a Windows 7 service provided by GROOVE.EXE EXE file. Detailed information on...
2016-07-10, 16809🔥, 2💬

💬 2016-07-10 Jayson: I disabled it too.

💬 2013-02-07 WiseGuy: Some plug-ins on your domains Sharepoint site use this service to gather data locally. I disabled this as it could get vulnerabl...

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