Receiving Updates/Alerts from HP with Windows 7


Should I choose to receive updates and alerts from HP to stay updated?



Yes, you should choose to receive updates and alerts from HP. For example, during the initial set up process of installing Windows 7 Home Premium system yourself on your new HP computer, you will see the Step 2 - Stay Updated screen like this:
HP Computer Registration - Stay Updated

The Stay Updated screen asks you to answer these questions:


HP can deliver free important updates, alerts and tips
directly to your desktop to keep your computer in good
health. You can also receive new features from HP
software. This is in addition to Windows Automatic
Update. Learn more.

Do you want to receive updates and alerts from HP?
(x) Yes, download and install updates automatically (recommended)
( ) No, remind me later


You can help improve HP products by allowing automatic
sending of anonymous data regarding the current health of
your PC and how you use HP hardware and software. Learn more.

Do you want to participate in the Experience Improvement program?
( ) Yes (recommended)
(x) No

Click "Yes, download and install updates automatically (recommended)" for the first question and "No" for the second question.


Turning on Norton Internet Security on Windows 7

Registering Windows 7 HP Computer Later

Setup New Computer with Windows 7

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2009-12-21, 9345🔥, 0💬